Secondary-High School Studies

In Secondary-high school, the curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive education, preparing students for college, vocational training, or the workforce. The subjects typically include core academic areas, electives, and specialized courses. Here are the main categories and some specific subjects commonly offered:
Core Subjects
1. Mathematics:
Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics
2. Science:
Biology (Anatomy and Physiology)
Physics (Earth Science-Environmental Science)
3. Language Arts:
English (American Literature, British Literature, World Literature, Creative Writing, Journalism)
4. Social Studies:
World History, Cambodia. History, Government/Civics
5. Foreign Languages:
Mandarin Chinese
6. Physical Education:
General Physical Education
Health and Wellness
Team Sports
Individual Sports
Fitness Training
Elective Subjects
1. Fine Arts:
Visual Arts (Drawing, Painting, Sculpture)
Music (Band, Orchestra, Choir)
Dance & Theater Arts
Digital Arts
2. Technology and Computer Science:
Computer Programming, Web Design, Graphic Design, Information Technology, Robotics, AP Computer Science
3. Career and Technical Education (CTE):
Business Education, (Accounting, Marketing) and Laws
Automotive Technology
Health Sciences (Nursing, Medical Terminology)
Architecture, Engineering, Interior Desinger, Fashion Designer
4. Miscellaneous Electives:
Public Speaking
Creative Writing
Film Studies
Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors Courses
AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics
AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Statistics
AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition
AP Khmer History, AP World History, AP Government and Politics
AP English, AP Chinese
AP Art History, AP Studio Art
Extracurricular Activities
Athletics (various sports teams)
Academic Clubs (Math Club, Science Club)
Arts (Drama Club, Art Club)
Student Embassador Programme
Community Service Organizations
High school curricula are designed to offer a balance of mandatory courses and electives, allowing students to explore their interests and prepare for their future educational or career paths.