SAI 2020 Schedule

Full Time Schedule

SAIS study programme: Option 1: Students may choose to study National Khmer programme if they are Cambodian students. - Primary A). Students may choose to study National Khmer programme in the morning for primary classes from grade 1 to grade 6. Their study time is normally 4hrs daily, from Monday to Friday. The subjects are Khmer, Maths, Social Science, Computer science and English. B). Students may choose to study International Singapore programme in the morning for primary classes from grade 1 to grade 6. Their study time is normally 4hrs daily, from Monday to Friday. The subjects are English, Maths, Social Science, Computer science and Khmer or Chinese. - Secondary and higher secondary A). Students may choose to study National Khmer programme in the morning and afternoon from grade 7 to grade 12. Their study time is normally 6hrs to 7hrs daily, from Monday to Friday.The core school subjects are English, Maths and Science. There are many subjects we learn in SAiS high schools. - Maths / Mathematics - Geometry A type of mathematics in which the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids. - Science The study of the structure and behaviour of the natural world based on facts. Science can be slitted into these three subjects. - Biology The study of living things. - Physics The study of matter and energy and the effect thay have. - Chemistry The study of substances and the different ways in which they react or combine with other substances. - Geography The study of all the countries of the world, and mountains, seas and weather. - History The study of past events as a subject at school or university. - Citizenship The study of democracy, justice, rights and responsibilities. Physical Education (P.E) Learning to play sport and exercise. - Home Economics Cooking and other skills needed at home. - Art Learning how to draw, paint or sculpt. - Music Learning to sing or play a musical instrument

Full Time Programme