Dress Code

A student dress code refers to a set of guidelines or rules about what students are allowed to wear in a school or academic setting. These codes can vary widely depending on the school, cultural norms, the level of education (elementary, secondary, or higher education), and geographical location. Dress codes are implemented for a variety of reasons, including promoting a conducive learning environment, ensuring student safety, fostering discipline, and preparing students for professional settings.

Here are some common elements and considerations in student dress codes:


  1. Safety and Practicality: Certain dress codes aim to protect students in specialized classes (like science labs or physical education) by requiring appropriate attire (e.g., closed-toe shoes, no loose clothing).
  2. Decency and Modesty: Schools often seek to maintain a certain level of modesty in student attire, though interpretations of what is considered modest can vary significantly.
  3. Equality and Inclusion: By minimizing socio-economic differences through uniforms or specific dress codes, schools aim to create a more egalitarian and focused learning environment.
  4. Preparation for the Future: Dress codes can also be aimed at preparing students for the professionalism expected in workplace environments.


Each student shall wear our school uniform on the regular study days and should wear sport uniform on the sport day.